Saturday, May 30, 2009

This is how I roll!

What's REALLY happenin!


  1. HEy Pala its sanora, didnt know you were an activist lol. Thats kinda of cool, you look very much different than we all thought lol. Bringing that dope van to chicago??


  2. Noel I posted the website on my profile on facebook . If you have the time you should think about making you a profile . Alot of our old friends are on there .
    Hope you are doing well . Your brother ,

  3. I wish you luck and good fortune in yiur quest to help such a worthy cause. I might suggest getting help for a better website and i wish i knew someone who coulc help you min that area but, i dont. Anyhow i hope people can open thier minds and support your foundation, anonymous supporter.

  4. Saw your van in Clearwater, FL today and got a few pics that I've been sending to friends. Judging by dates of comments, you've been doing this since 2009? This is our year! November, 2014, a change is coming to Florida. The numbers are on our side. YES on Amendment 2! A surgeon F-ed my spine 10 years ago. My doctors have no problem giving me Oxycontin and Fentanyl, big pharmaceutical poison and I'm still in unreal pain. But God forbid I test positive for marijuana. Keep on truckin and everybody vote this November, YES on #2, and vote out the clowns like Rick Scott and Pam Bondi.

  5. Also, in case you're unaware, is the website of the group that got medical marijuana on the Florida ballot. You can sign up for updates, volunteer opportunities and donate to help fund voter education and fight the coming blow back against Amendment 2. Many times they have donor matching ... you donate $10 and one of their rich supporters will match your donation to the cause. Check them out. We all owe attorney, John Morgan (For the People) who spent millions of his own money getting this amendment on the ballot and helping chronic pain and terminally ill patients.


Thx everybody, let's get rollin on this issue. let minds and hearts be open. seek out what you don't understand or fear